Meet the Green Queen

Meet the Green Queen
Meet the Green Queen

Looking for a docile, robust hen who lays gorgeous green eggs? Look no further than the lovely Green Queen.

The Green Queen chicken was created by Meyer Hatchery and is relatively new to the chicken-world, but quickly winning the popularity contest. Why? It is an Easter Egger hybrid that specializes in green eggs.

Many appearances

Green Queens are truly unique because their appearance is widely varied. They can come in almost any color and usually sport a fluffy beard and lightly feathered legs. Alternatively, they can have no beard and naked legs!

Green Queens can have a pea or single combs and sometimes will have 5 toes. The exciting part of getting Green Queen chicks is never knowing what they will look like as adults!

Green Queens are solely bred as egg layers…and they do their job well!


These stately birds are quite docile and easy-going, making them a nice addition to established flocks or newbie chicken farmers. They tend to keep to themselves and are quiet and placid members of society. They enjoy interacting with people and are known to be a “cuddlier” chicken than other breeds.


Green Queens are solid and robust birds who can handle temperatures ranging from moderately hot to cold. Because Green Queens appearance can range quite a bit; depending on their plumage, some may handle extremes better than others.

They are prone to mites just like other breeds and do require maintenance and dusting to prevent discomfort. But, overall, these sturdy birds can handle pretty much anything you throw at them!

Egg production

Eggs are the crowning glory of Green Queens—you can expect medium to large gorgeously green-hued eggs. Most hens lay 4 to 5 a week, which is a substantial number of colorful eggs. They tend to lay year-round (slowing down only slightly in the winter) and usually do not go broody.

Why you want them

Green Queens are fast becoming a popular and sought-after breed, perfect for beginners and experienced backyard chicken farmers alike due to beautiful eggs year-round.

About the author

Shelby Stone is a writer when she isn’t busy with her chickens, her horse Percy, Mango the parrot, and the many other animals in her family.

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