Starting Your Backyard Animal Paradise?

Expand your flock or add more species with these 3 tips
Starting Your Backyard Animal Paradise?
Starting Your Backyard Animal Paradise?

You want your own backyard animal paradise but aren’t sure where to start?

Here are the three most important considerations for building any backyard paradise:


Some animals will depend on feed while others you’ll need to supplement—knowing the difference can save time and money. Chickens and pigs will need a feed to supplement their nutrition, in most cases. Horses, sheep, goats and cattle could get by on eating grass in warmer months, but you’ll need adequate pasture area with high-quality forage to meet their nutrition needs.

The amount of feed animals need can change throughout the year. Some duck species have a narrow laying period and won’t utilize the same nutrition year-round. Grazing animals will need supplemental forages during the winter when grass isn’t available.

Feeding a medicated feed? Keep it separate from animals it isn’t intended for to avoid accidental ingestion.


Evaluate how much water each animal will drink in a day. Plan for multiple water stations to avoid competition.

In general, keep water accessible, cool, and clean. Cleaning water buckets and troughs daily or weekly encourages hydration, and helps keep disease at bay. Make sure water doesn’t freeze during cold weather.


Protection from sun, snow, wind, and rain is important for every animal. There are many chicken and duck coop styles, but be sure your choice provides shelter from both weather and predators. Housing for horses, sheep, goats and pigs can be as simple as a lean-to or a more elaborate shed or barn.

Boundaries are equally as important as shelters. Chain link fence, woven wire, or hog panels are great options for keeping animals safe and out of trouble.

Whether you want to build your flock, expand your herd ,or start blending both, learn more at

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